Is Your Personality More Like 1967 Or 1989?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz, your personality is more like 1967! In fact, you truly carry the summer of love with you at all times. You're an extremely open minded person who isn't afraid to fight for what they believe in, even if it's unpopular. You're creative, innovative, and always willing to try something new.

Based on the results of this quiz, your personality is more like 1989! You're a highly ambitious person who likes to work hard, but loves to play hard even more. You always embrace trends and fads, often preferring to do what your friends are doing rather than striking out on your own. You've owned more than five pairs of leg warmers in your life.

Neither One
Based on the results of this quiz, you're not like either year in time! While you may be a free spirit and you certainly love your fair share of 80's tunes, you have a personality that is so unique it could never be captured by a singular year. You're a bit of year that ever was all wrapped into one.