Which Day Of The Week Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The day of the week that you're most like is Monday! Friends would describe you as being driven, motivated, and ambitious. You're very goal oriented and love the fresh start that a new Monday can bring. We're sure that one day you'll scale every hurdle that comes your way and find true success!

You're most like Tuesday! Friends would describe you as being humble, quiet, and detail oriented. You're not into grand gestures or making an entrance. You prefer a subtle approach to life that allows you to take things at your own pace rather than at a break neck speed.

You're most like Wednesday! Friends would describe you as being jovial, optimistic, and funny. You have a true knack for turning every frown upside down with your awesome sense of humor and great comedic timing. No one can feel despondent when you're in the room.

You're most like Thursday! Friends would describe you of being fun, lighthearted, and up for anything. Much like this day of the week, you're like Christmas eve. You bring the excitement and childlike sense of play into every situation you encounter.

You're most like Friday! Friends would describe you as being adventurous, outgoing, and optimistic. Much like this day of the week, you're all about living life to the fullest and getting the most out of every moment. You don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Your life is all about the now!

You're most like Saturday! Friends would describe you as mellow, kind, and compassionate. Much like this day of the week, you're all about taking life at an easy pace. You hate to rush and feel most content when you have a whole day to just do as you please.

You're most like Sunday! Friends would describe you as wise, contemplative, and compassionate. You're a highly moral individual who believes that doing what's right is the only law every person should abide by. You're an excellent advice giver who knows how to read every situation and make the most of it.