Which Famous Quote Should Be Carved On Your Tombstone?

Here are all the results with descriptions

"The Good Man Is The Friend Of All Living Things."
The famous quote that should be carved on your tombstone is, "the good man is the friend or all living things." You live your life from a place of goodness and morality. You always do right by others and never hurt any living creature. You are as pure and enlightened as they come!

"If You Obey All The Rules You Miss All The Fun"
The famous quote that should be carved on your tombstone is, "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun!" You live your life as if each day could be your last. You don't follow rules or let others tell you how to live your life. Instead, you embrace each day as a new adventure and a chance to have a good time. Go you!

"My Life Is My Message"
The famous quote that should be carved on your tombstone is, "My life is my message." You're a simple individual who lives a life free of consumer urges and materialistic tendencies. You love to help others, give back to your community, and make an impact through your actions. When you go, you'll leave behind a legacy of goodness and light.

"Don't Cry Because It's Over Smile Because It Happened"
The famous quote that should be carved on your tombstone is, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" You've always lived your life with a glass half full type of optimism. You don't let the sad things get you down and you certainly wouldn't want others crying over your life when they should be celebrating it.

"I Attribute My Success To This: I Never Gave Or Took Any Excuse."
The famous quote that should be carved on your tomb stone is, "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse." All of your success has come from your sense of honesty, dignity ,and class. You don't make excuses for your behavior and you certainly don't let those you love make excuses either. You're as evolved as they come!