Which Shakespearean Play Are You?

We hath prepared an entrancing Shakespearean quiz for thee. In truth, 'tis most excellent, so commence thy clicking!


Here are all the results with descriptions

A Midsummer Night's Dream
It is time to re-assess your relationships and discover which are matches of equals, and which are based in illusion. It is good to have dreams, but you need to know which dreams are impossible fairy tales, and which are practical and attainable. You do not want to waste time and make an ass of yourself pursuing something that turns out to be a fool's errand!

The Taming of the Shrew
You are a calm, organized, and rational person who doesn't get swept off their feet by either love or crazy schemes. You value tradition and can be relied upon to make reasoned decisions that will conform with the expectations of your friends, family, and society. Because of this, you have an accurate long-term vision and are able to make a practical plan for your life that will lead you slowly and steadily to success.

Procrastinate much? Like Hamlet, you have a brilliant mind and huge potential, but you can tend to get stuck, ahem, shall we say with your head up your you-know-where? Remember, any decision is better than no decision at all! You are also deeply sensitive and empathetic, which can be great if you channel it in a positive direction, but don't let yourself get too caught up in other's troubles at the expense of your own. So take time away from all the craziness around you, and just focus on yourself and what you want.

Romeo and Juliet
There is nothing that will stand in your way when you have your mind set on a goal! Deeply passionate, you fight for what you want regardless of right or wrong. In fact, you're so caught up in yourself and what you want that the morality of what you are doing, or the possible impact of your actions on other people, doesn't even cross your mind. Being this ruthless and focused pretty much guarantees you will get whatever it is you have your heart set on, whether it is true love or ruling the world! However, they say there is always a price for success, so just be sure your ambition doesn't accidentally poison your triumph.

Once you have your mind set on a goal, you will fight for what you want regardless of right or wrong. In fact, you're so caught up in your vision that the morality of what you are doing, or the possible impact of your actions on other people, doesn't even cross your mind. Being this ruthless and focused pretty much guarantees you will get whatever it is you have your heart set on, but at what price? As Macbeth warns us, there is a fine line between being a King and a tyrant. It is good to be ambitious and to believe in yourself, but do not allow your desire for personal gain to corrupt you.

The Tempest
Grab your clock! You are the superhero of Shakespeare's plays, out to right the wrongs of the world and to re-establish justice throughout the universe! You are lighthearted, but there is a seriousness underneath your joking, and like Shakespeare's comedies, you are able to use your banter to get your message across and persuade others to your point of view. You have a secret (or maybe not so secret!) desire to be in charge, and so although you may set out to change the world, you may just end up ruling it as well.