How Adventurous Are You?

Are you a wild child? Or a little old lady? Take this simple quiz and find out just how adventurous you are!

Tags: Personality, Character-Trait, Lifestyle

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Adventurous
You are an adrenaline junkie. You'll try anything once! And a lot of things, even ill-advised things, more than once. You're the wildest and the craziest person in your circle. When your friends crave excitement, they turn to you for inspiration.

Very Adventurous
You are wild and fearless. The list of crazy things you've done is as long as your arm. You don't feel alive unless there's something outrageous in the works. And you live for a great story. You've probably broken at least one bone in your time.

Somewhat Adventurous
You are definitely daring. However, you are not completely foolhardy. Sure, you'll take risks. But you do remember to wear your helmet. And your safety goggles. Remember: it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!

Somewhat Unadventurous
You're not completely opposed to adventure, it's just that you'd rather be a fly on the wall than an active participant. For instance, you might enjoy reading a spy novel or watching a horror movie, but you'd be completely appalled if anything remotely similar happened in your real life. If necessary, you can be brave. But you're not going around looking for opportunities.

Not Very Adventurous
You are careful and cautious. You appreciate calm. You are likely to be the quiet, still centre of your circle of friends. You'll listen to their tales of adventure, but you're unlikely to ever want to join in. Okay, maybe once in a blue moon.

Extremely Unadventurous
It is important to you to maintain your routines and your peace of mind. You aren't interested in adventure. You are interested in serenity. You are interested in stability. You are interested in safety. Are you by any chance living in a Zen monastery?