Which Modern Kick Ass Woman Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Reese Witherspoon
The modern kick ass woman that you’re most like is Reese Witherspoon! Much like Reese, you’re all about equal rights and fighting for the greater good. You’re small, but tenacious, with a true passion for bringing light to issues that others have overlooked. You’re all about supporting women, fighting for what’s right, and making your voice heard.

Oprah Winfrey
The modern kick ass woman that you’re most like is Oprah Winfrey! Much like Oprah, you’re a big presence who isn’t afraid to let your points and values be known. You always stand up for what’s right and what’s true, even if it isn't always popular. With a great sense of empathy, gratitude, and perspective, you’re dedicated to helping others to achieve their best lives.

Tina Fey
The modern kick ass woman that you’re most like is Tina Fey! Much like Tina, you’re a natural born leader who isn’t afraid to run the show. You’re humorous and multi-talented, with a knack for observing society in ways that are both enlightening and funny. You don’t let others tell you that you “can’t” do something and you always try to raise other women up rather than putting them down. You’re strong, resilient, and always willing to put your talents out there!

Shonda Rhimes
The modern kick ass woman that you’re most like is Shonda Rhimes! Much like Shonda, you’re an ambitious overachiever who won’t ever let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. You’re creative and open minded, with a deep love of connecting with people from all walks of life. You pour your heart and soul into everything you do, demonstrating that anyone is capable of anything they set their mind to.

J.K. Rowling
The modern kick ass woman that you’re most like is J.K. Rowling! Much like J.K, you’re a creative and intelligent soul who is great at building worlds, engaging others, and making a point that can transcend all barriers. You’re strong willed and outspoken. You never fear saying what’s on your mind or fighting for the underdog. Given that you’ve built your life from the ground up, you know just what it’s like to be on the bottom looking up at the top.