How Old Are Your Reactions?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on your reactions, you're 21 years old! Nothing shocks you or surprises you. You're extremely open minded and totally chill with how others want to live their lives. You're not one to judge and you'd certainly never make a snap judgement based on someone's choices.

Based on your reactions, you're around 35 years old! Though you're pretty open minded and not easily shocked, you do have some opinions on how people should act and how things should be. While you might judge someone for making a crazy choice, you tend to give others the benefit of the doubt!

Based on your reactions, you're around 40! Though nothing really bothers you or puts you out, you can tend to have some pretty big reactions to surprising situations or when someone does something outside of the norm. Sure, you've seen it all, but that doesn't mean you're not still shocked by strange behavior!

Based on your reactions, you're around 55 years old! You believe in doing things a certain way and behaving with good manners. When someone does something shocking just for the sake of being weird, you just can't help but voice your big opinions and let your reactions be heard!

Based on your reactions, you're around 62 years old! You tend to feel pretty shocked and put out by some of the more modern behaviors in life. From weird hair to crazy hash tags, you just don't understand why some people choose to do what they do.