How Much of an Influence Do You Have on Others?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Others Copy Your Style
You were the girl in high school that all the other girls wanted to be. Your style is so you that you make it look effortless and flawless. Your loyal Instagram followers and Facebook friends have modeled their styles after you more than once. You have such a great influence on others that they copy your style.

You Inspire People To Be Better
You are happy, successful, and drive. Those things do not go unnoticed by those that surround you. They see how happy you are and want the same thing for themselves. You have such a great influence on others that you inspire them to be better.

Others Want to Keep Up With You
You always seem to lead the pack. You know what you want and go for it, not bothering to see if somebody has accomplished it in the past. Once you achieve something, you immediately make a new goal and work toward it. You have such a great influence on others that they want to keep up with you.

Others Want To Make Your Life Choices
When others look at your life, they think that you have it all. You have accomplished the difficult task of perfectly balancing work, family, and love. You live without regret and do not spend time worrying about what has happened in the past. You have such a great influence on others that they want to make your life choices.

You Have a Deep Impact
You have an impact that is so great, you may never realize just how different your loved ones lives would be of they did not know you. You are greatly loved and admired. You have such a great influence on others that your deep impact cannot ever be ignored.