Do You Have Any Manners?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Perfect Manners
You have perfect manners and that probably comes as no surprise to you. You believe that you should treat others how you wish to be treated and you cannot stand disrespect. You always go out of your way to be polite.

Great Etiquette
You know how to say please and thank you and mind your manners. While you may forget every once in a while, it's usually rare. You're a pretty polite person.

Pretty Well-Mannered
You're respectful when needed but you do tend to slip up every now w and then. While you may forget your manners sometimes, you're never rude or disrespectful.

Polite When Needed
You tend to be pretty polite when it's called for. Around people you're comfortable with you may forget your manners but not around authority. Around other people you tend to be polite.