What One Word Describes You Best?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are eager to take on any challenge that comes your way. Instead of thinking of excuses or worrying about what might go wrong, your wheels start to spin while you figure out ways to make it work. The one word that best describes you is yes.

You love to create and see beauty in all that surrounds you. You think that even the simplest task, like preparing a meal, should be done with care and attention to detail. You can be equally moved by a beautiful melody or a gorgeous vista. The one word that best describes you is art.

You are diplomatic in almost every situation. You truly believe that if others would take the time to listen to each other and try to see things from another perspective, there would be a lot less fighting in the world today. The one word that best describes you is peace.

Every choice that you make is either directly or indirectly made to benefit somebody that is close to you. You would sacrifice anything if it meant that your loved ones were even just a little bit happier. You feel the happiest when you are encircled in the arms of somebody that you care about. The one word that best describes you is love.

You never give up believing that you have blessings waiting to be bestowed on you. You give people the benefit of the doubt and a second chance. You truly believe that most people are inherently kind. The one word that best describes you is hope.