How German Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% German
You're as German as they come! You know the fine parts of Germany and you have a deep love for their culture. Germany is definitely where you belong.

85% German
You're almost 100% German and you are definitely proud of that fact. You can sing and drink with the best of them. You find Germany an amazing place to be.

63% German
You're more than half German and you couldn't be happier. While there may be some parts about the German culture you don't like, there's plenty of it that you can't help but love.

42% German
You're almost half and you're pretty satisfied with that. You love and hate equal parts about the culture. You'd love to visit Germany but it's not the highest on your list.

15% German
You're not really a German person but you don't mind. You respect the culture for what it is but it's just not your taste.