What Easter Egg Matches Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Solid Color
You're a dependable and loyal person who's very protective of your loved ones. You're quite a simple person and you usually always let people know what's on your mind. You like things in life to be simple and neat.

You have an outrageous and charismatic personality that people either envy or admire. You love having the good things in life and you prefer things to be luxurious. You take good care of your appearance because you believe first impressions are everything.

Tie Dye
You're a free-spirited person who can't stand to be in one place for too long. You have a vast imagination and you draw inspiration from the world around you.

You have a unique personality that definitely stands out. You love bright colors and eccentric things in order to show off your individuality. You like to march to the beat of your own drum and you don't worry about what others think of you.

You're a classic person who loves to focus on customs and traditions. You're pretty old-fashioned in your ways and you're not a huge fan of the modern world. You're pretty reserved and tend to usually keep to yourself.