Are You Too Hard On Yourself?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Very Hard On Yourself
You have a tendency to be very hard on yourself! When it comes right down to it, you're your own worst critic. When you make a mistake or fail in some way, you will beat yourself up for days. You cringe when you think of anything you've done wrong in your life and have difficulty moving on from tough situations.

Your Own Worst Critic
You are your own worst critic! No one is as hard on you as you are on yourself. You don't allow yourself to slip up or make mistakes. If you do, you'll often beat yourself up for days. Try to be as generous and forgiving with yourself as you are with those you love.

Somewhat Hard On Yourself
You are somewhat hard on yourself! While you don't feel difficulty too deeply, if you feel you've made a massive mistake, you will beat yourself up about it for a long time. Give yourself some leeway and remember that mistakes and failures are a part of growing. Getting older and changing means slipping up from time to time.

Easy On Yourself
You are nice and easy on yourself! You know that life is often about making mistakes and learning from them. Because of that, you try not to get down when things don't go quite as planned. You give yourself room to breathe, grow, and develop into the person you are meant to be.

Totally At Peace
You are totally at peace with yourself! You never give yourself a hard time or beat yourself up over situations that are beyond your control. You have amazing perspective on what it means to be grow and become who you are meant to be. Often times, becoming has more to do with failure than success.