Here are all the results with descriptions
No Knowledge of Rome
You have absolutely no knowledge of Rome! Quick, grab a book! Polish up on what you hopefully learned in school and just forgot over time!
Poor Knowledge of Rome
You know a little about Rome but not enough to really provide any insight in conversation. In fact, if you were involved in a conversation about Rome, you would be getting TOLD about Rome.You'd be a pupil! Quick, grab a book on the subject already!
Passable Knowledge of Rome
You know a bit about Rome but not more than most! You might be able to teach someone a few things here and there, but overall, not much. Look on the bright side though--you may not be the best at the subject, but you're certainly not the worst!
Good Knowledge of Rome
You know quite a bit about Rome! In a conversation, you could totally hold your own! With the exception of those brainiacs out there, you really have a leg up on most people. Good job, you did some reading and retained information!
Super Expert Roman Knowledge
You are more than knowledgeable; you studied Rome! Let us guess...history major? Maybe just an avid history reader? How about a documentary buff? Whatever the case, you know your fair share of Roman facts and history. You outshine everyone!