How Good Is Your Mathematical Thinking?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're Excellent At Thinking Mathematically
You have a way of thinking that most people can't even comprehend. You think I'm a logical manner and you usually have no problem coming up with solutions to difficult problems. You're quick to come up with calculations or other difficult problems in order to solve real life math problems.

Your Thinking Is Pretty Amazing
You're pretty quick when it comes to thinking of q solution to a problem. You tend to focus on the small details and question those details rather intricately. You usually make decisions based on logic instead of feelings.

Your Mathematical Thinking Is Pretty Good
You're pretty good when it comes to crunching numbers and figuring out solutions. While you may slip up every now and then, you usually have no problem with difficult calculations.

Your Mathematical Thinking Is Not The Best
You've never been good when it came to numbers so you have trouble coming up with solutions to difficult calculations. You tend think more with your emotions and view life through an artistic outlook. You've never really been a analytical type of person.