What Type Of Hippie Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Spiritual Hippie
You happen to be quite a grounded and humble individual and you tend to focus on your place on this earth. You always wonder about the good we could do and how it can be achieved. You know there are many spiritual paths you can follow and you hope one will lead you down the right path.

You're always working towards making the world a safe and happy place. You know what you stand up for and you'll never let anything get in your way. You have a strong determination to spread your love throughout this world.

Classic Flower Child
You don't worry much about what others think of you because you know what your worth is. You're always looking to promote love and unity and you believe the best in everyone. You know what generation you belonged to and you wish you could go back.

Natural Hippie
You feel right at home surrounded by nature and you know that will never change. When you're walking barefooted through the dirt, you can't help but feel at peace. You weren't made for the city life at all.

Artistic Hippie
You have a vision and you're trying to express it through the power of art. You see the world differently than most and it shows in your creative works. You can't help but feel at peace when you're creating art.