Which Trendy Saying Best Describes You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

"You Cannot Find Peace By Avoiding Life."
The trending quote that best describes you is "You cannot find peace by avoiding life." When life gets hectic, sometimes the only thing we want to do is hunker down and hide from our problems. Unfortunately, that never works. While you may have run from problems in the past, it's never the key to a peaceful life. Meet your challenges head on and you'll find contentment in no time.

"The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life Meaning."
The trending quote that best describes you is, "The meaning of life is to give life meaning." You've always known that the only way to lead a meaningful life is to do meaningful things. You never waste your time on hapless pursuits that don't add up to anything. Instead, you invest your time into growing, experiencing new things, and helping others.

"Be Still."
The trending quote that best describs you is, "Be still." Though simple, this quote pefectly exemplifys your appraoch to life at a large. In moments of joy or even sadness, it's best to pull back for a moment, quiet down and view life through a new lens. You know that stillness is the first step to achieving true happiness.

"More Wine And More Friends."
The trending quote that best describes you is, "More wine and more friends!" Your life philosophy is simple; wine, food, friends, and laughter. All you really need is good company, a little vino, and some stories to share amongst the group. That's the key to a simple yet happy life.

"Live With Your Whole Heart."
The trending quote that best describes you is "Live with your whole heart!" If you don't go all in with life, it will pass you by. You know this and have always been all in with your whole heart. You know that living like this can potentially lead to hurt or disappointment, but in your opinion, it's well worth the risk.