How Popular Are Your Opinions?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Very Popular
Based on these quiz results, you have very popular opinions on politics, music, food, and just about everything else! You tend to go with the status quo, believing in what a majority of your friends and family feel are good opinions.

Somewhat Popular
Based on these quiz results, your opinions are somewhat popular! While you may not side with the majority on most topics, you tend to have very popular opinions. You don't dissent much, but when you do, you make sure you're opinions are heard.

Average In Popularity
Based on these quiz results, your opinions are pretty average in popularity! While you don't side with the majority on most topics, you tend to side with the public on the topics that matter most. Politics, music, and television are pretty normal areas of conversation for you!

A Bit Unpopular
Based on these quiz results your opinions are a bit unpopular! When it comes to controversial areas of conversation, you're opinions tend to deviate from the norm. You don't agree with most people on areas such as politics movies or music.

Very Unpopular
Based on the results of this quiz, your opinions are very unpopular! You don't enjoy being a part of the norm and you never will. You like that your opinions are very unpopular and outside of the majority. In fact, you wouldn't have it any other way!