Where Should You Get A Piercing Next?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Earlobes happen to be quite a popular piercing area. There's quite a bit you can do with them and you can change them up. If you want a piercing that doesn't stand out too much, this would be your best bet.

Stretched Ears
Take your pierced earlobes a step farther by stretching them out. It can definitely be a look that stands out depending on how far you stretch them out.

Cartilage piercing can look quite interesting if you get them in a good place. They may be sore at first but they're definitely an awesome look.

Having a nose piercing can be quite common but there's no reason you can't stand out with it. You can make this piercing look quite unique especially depending on how you pierce it.

If you want to stand out somewhat, your best best would be to get a lip piercing. These piercing happen to look quite unique and edgy and you could definitely pull it off.