How Old Is Your Soul?

Here are all the results with descriptions

400 Years Old
Based on the results of this quiz, your soul is at least 400 years old! Your soul clearly dates back to at least the 1600s. If you ever find yourself feeling nostalgic for a much simpler way of life, one that involves zero technology, and doing everything by hand, this could be the explanation!

200 Years Old
Based on the results of this quiz, your soul dates back at least 200 years! You have very old soul that has seen its way through many of the world's most important historical events. You often feel nostalgic for an old fashioned way of life, one that involves simplicity, and a more hands on approach to living.

100 Years Old
Based on the results of this quiz, your soul dates back at least 100 years! Your soul isn't very old in the grand scheme of things, but it has seen some of the most important events in American history. If you often feel nostalgic for the 1940s and 1930s, now you know why!

1,000 Years Old
Based on the results of this quiz, your soul dates back at least 1,000 years! Do you ever have dreams of lands you've never traveled to? Do you feel pangs of familiarity when watching historical documentaries on ancient dynasties and long ago ways of life? Your soul has seen so much change since it's original birth. No wonder you are so wise!

70 Years Old
Based on the results of this quiz your soul is 70 years old! This is probably your soul's first run in life, or perhaps only the second. You have a new soul that is still blossoming and enjoying a lot of firsts. You may have noticed that you don't feel nearly as nostalgic as those around you!