How Fulfilled Are You In Your Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Fulfilled
Congratulations! You are 100% fulfilled in life! While many people might be chasing happiness and fulfillment you've already found it. From a solid career to a well oiled family life, you've attained everything you've ever wanted. Now you get to sit back and enjoy all of your hard work!

80% Fulfilled
Based on these quiz results, you are 80% fulfilled in life! Sure, you may not be exactly where you want just yet, but you know you're well on your way to total fulfillment. You've got great friends, a strong family life,and a burgeoning career. What else could you possibly need?

50% Fulfilled
You are currently 50% fulfilled in life! Fulfillment doesn't come all at once and most of it rests on your shoulders. Sometimes fulfillment is simply recognizing what you have and expressing gratitude. Other times it's finally reaching a long term goal. No matter what you define as fulfillment, you'll reach 100% in no time!

40% Fulfilled
While you may be fulfilled in many areas of your life, you're still lacking in some key areas! Whether you aren't happy with your job or your personal life, your task is to fill the holes with what you need. Take some time this season and focus on yourself and your personal happiness. You'll find total fulfillment in no time!

10% Fulfilled
You are only 10% fulfilled in life at the moment! While 10% is still a good amount, you need to take some time and focus on your own happiness. Treat yourself to that new blouse, read a good book, and indulge in that meal you've been putting off having. Go ahead and give yourself what you need to be happy! The first key to fulfillment is loving yourself fully.