What’s Your Scientific Love Score?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Love Score: 100
Your love score is 100! Congratulations! You know what it means to be a loving and compassionate person. When you love, you love without condition or circumstance. You give everything you have freely and without stipulation.

Love Score: 60
Your love score is 60! You're a giving and compassionate human being who always gives love freely without the expectation of getting anything in return. For you, love has alway been easy. Unfortunately your open heart can often leave you exposed to heartbreak.

Love Score: 50
Your love score is 50! Sometimes love can be a bit confusing, especially if you're the one giving more. Sometimes when we give more than we get, we are left feeling a bit at odds with our own personal views on love.

Love Score: 40
Your love score is 40! You're a truly passionate and giving lover; however, this can often leave you feeling a touch neglected. Make sure you give your love wisely and you'll always find that love wins!

Love Score: 20
Your love score is 20! You find love to be a bit confusing and befuddled. In your opinion being vulnerable can often feel a bit too exposing. Because of this, you don't give yourself away too freely without treading lightly for a bit first.