What Kind Of Transport Fits Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You happen to be just like a boat. You're a very patient individual and you understand when life happens to move a bit slower than usual. You're the go with the flow type of person and you try your best to avoid confrontation whenever possible.

You work hard for the things you want in your life. When you truly want something, you keep working towards it until you actually reach your goal. You trust your judgment and you know it will lead you somewhere great in life.

You're a reliable person and many others look up to you especially in their time of need. You're a very straightforward person and you know you'll end up at your goal eventually.

You're a risk-taker and you're not afraid of adventure in your life. You'll try anything at least once in your life. Almost nothing scares you and you usually tackle your problems head-on.

You're a rational thinker when it comes to most aspects in your life. You choose logic over emotions and sometimes it's hard for you to get emotionally invested in things. Because of your intelligence, people usually look up to you and your opinions.