What Percent Content Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Content
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 100% content. You know who you are, what you want, and how to be grateful for everything that currently exists in your life. You never approach life with a negative attitude and greet each new experience as an exercise in growth.

85% Content
Based on the results of this quiz you are 85% content. Okay, so you haven't reached full contentment just yet, but you're well on your way. Unlike so many people, you've made peace with your past and your present. You know who you are and what you need out of life.

50% Content
Based on the results of this quiz you are 50% content! Like so many people, you've yet to find true contentment in this life. While you practice gratitude, humility, and self love, you can;t help but sweat the small stuff every now and then. Relax and let life happen!

30% Content
Based on the results of this quiz you are 30% content! You have not yet reached full contentment just yet. You tend to let your thoughts and worries run the show. Rather than meeting each experience and moment as it comes, fear occupies your mind.

10% Content
Based on the results of this quiz, you are 10% content. Contentment isn't easily won. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. You'll have to learn gratitude, positivity, and acceptance in order to reach the full tilt of contentment in this world.