Which Animal Do You Become When In Love?

Here are all the results with descriptions

When you’re in love, you become most like a lion! You’re intensely passionate and protective of your mate. You’d do anything to keep your relationship in tip top shape, even if it means taking down a few other people along the way.

Based on the results of this quiz, you’re a bear when you’re in love! Love makes you playful, affectionate, and full of a youthful exuberance you haven’t known in years. Not only are you’re a playful partner, you’re a cuddle monster as well!

Based on the results of this quiz, you’re a monkey when you’re in love! Love makes you a bit hands on and totally passionate. You can’t help but love on your partner and show them as much physical affection as possible.

Based on the results of this quiz, you’re a dog when you’re in love! Loyal, enamored, and willing to do just about anything to please your partner. You’re a loving companion who will see someone you love through the good times and the bad times guaranteed.

Based on the results of this quiz, you become a panther while in love! You’re passionate, mysterious, and a little cautious. You hate to feel vulnerable or susceptible to hurt, so you tend to keep your feelings close for the first few months of a new relationsh