What Percentage Of Your Brain Do You Use?

Here are all the results with descriptions

They say that some people only use 10% of their brains or less. Luckily, you’re not a part of this statistic. You use 100% of your brain each and everyday. Whether solving a complex problem or simply being street smart, your brain is always on and always working.

Based on the results of this quiz, you use 75% of your brain each and everyday. While some may only utilize 10% or less, you’re constantly challenging your brain to do more. Whether working out a complex problem, solving a puzzle, or simply learning something new. You’re always helping your brain to develop in new ways.

Based on the results of this quiz, you use around 50% of your brain each day. Listen, there’s simply no need to use all 100%, especially when you consider that most people use 10% or less. You use your brain to your advantage without over extending or tiring yourself.

You use 30% of your brain on a given day! You use your brain to solve problems, deal with daily issues, work hard, and learn new things. When you’re not busy working your brain, you’re often giving it a chance to reset and relax. There’s no shame in turning off every now and then in the name of relaxation.

You use 10% of your brain on a given day! Relax, this is normal, you’re like a majority of Americans. You use your brain for the things that matter and shut off when unimportant issues arise. You know that it’s important to kick back, relax, and pursue mindless activities every now and again.