Which Room Of Your House Should You Redecorate?

Here are all the results with descriptions

It's time to switch things up in the bedroom for you! Change the sheets, clean up the room, and maybe buy yourself some nice new knick knacks or decorative pillows. You can even paint the room a new shade if you are feeling up to it!

You spend most of your time in the livingroom, so it only makes sense that you redecorate this room of your house! You can start by rearranging all of the furniture, hanging up some new pictures, and adding some decorations to the room to make it all your own!

You may not spend much time thinking about your bathroom, but all of that is going to change once you redecorate it. There's not much you can do about rearranging the tub or toilet, but you can repaint the walls, give a theme or your bathroom, and place a bowl of flowery porourri to lighten up the room.

A kitchen is a place for a family to get together to spend their time, so your kitchen should be able to say something about your family. Now is a great time to hang out some pictures, break out a new tablecloth, or even buy a new set of dishes to change up your kitchen.

Study/Hobby Room
Your office, study, or hobby room is a place for either business or pleasure. Often, these places can get a little messy. Now is a good time to clean up this space and add some flair to it at the same time. Try adding new decorations or moving around the furniture in this room.