Do You Belong In America Or Europe?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Belong In America
Based on the results of this quiz, you belong in America! You possess strong American values and traditions that could never transfer to Europe. You're steadfast in your belief that it is only through hard work, ambition, and dedication that one can get ahead. Also, you'd probably really miss hot dogs!

You Belong In Europe
Based on the results of this quiz, you belong in Europe! You simply don't see eye to eye with your American counterparts on many hot button issues. From religion and healthcare to education and defense, you possess a more European attitude on all of these topics. As a peaceful and easy going woman, you'd fit right in with our European friends!

You Don't Belong In Either
Based on the results of this quiz, you don't belong in Europe or America! You simply don't see eye to eye with America or the European continent. In fact, you'd thrive in places like Australia or South America. You're an individualist who hates the confines of modern everyday life.