How Old Do You Act When You’re Sick?

Here are all the results with descriptions

When you're sick, you literally act like a six year old child. That's right, you cry, whine, mope, and tend to feel as sorry for yourself as a person possibly can. You ask that all members of your family be on standby at all times for rubs, hugs, and chicken soup.

When you're sick, you act like a ten year old! No one likes being sick, but that doesn't mean you require constant attention around the clock. Sure, everyone likes to be waited on when they're feeling under the weather, but that doesn't mean you can boss anyone around.

When you're sick, you act like you're 16! What does this mean exactly? It means lots of TV and lots of whining. Sure, you're not asking anyone to bend over backwards, but you like to milk the whole sick thing while you can. After all, it's a great chance to catch up on your favorite TV shows.

When you're sick, you act like you're 18 years old! Unlike a lot of sick people, you just like to be left alone when you're sick. Often times this means a TV remote, some medicine, and some takeout. You don't require constant attention and you certainly don't want it.

When you're sick you act like you're 22! Even when you're sick, you hate to burden others. Sure, a little compassion is nice, but you certainly don't need round the clock care. You take your illness with a grain of salt and march on.