Can We Guess How Thrifty You Are?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Super Saver
You, my friend, are a super saver. You know all the best places to go looking for coupons, and you seem to always have a sixth sense for when the best sales are taking place! You love walking into a grocery store and walking out feeling like you've spent next to nothing!

Cost Conscious
You are a very cost conscious shopper. While you may not go to all the extremes - clipping tons of coupons or rushing toward any sales, for example - when you shop, you compare prices and make decisions based on how much things cost and how much bang you're getting for your buck! This has always kept your kitchen and home well-stocked and comfortable.

You Treat Yourself Sometimes!
We're guessing you're an average shopper - you don't cut coupons, but you don't go over the top and always buy pearls and diamonds either. However, you DO enjoy treating yourself sometimes and splurging a bit on mini shopping sprees!

Luxury Spender
You are a true luxury spender. You have a taste for the finer things in life when it comes to clothes, art, food, and of course, jewelry. You like beautiful, glamorous, and flashy things. Luxury makes you feel comfortable, and you've prioritized it over a lot of other things!