We Can Tell How Innocent You Are Based On What You Think First!

Here are all the results with descriptions

Extremely Innocent
Based on your first thoughts, you're extremely innocent! You're a highly sensitive individual who likes to block herself off from anything negative or bad. You build walls to keep out the ugly parts of life and embrace the light.

Very Innocent
Based on the results of this quiz, you are very innocent! You tend to judge things from a very innocent place, often seeing things as being very pure, beautiful, or child like. You're not jaded or cynical in the slightest.

Somewhat Innocent
Based on the results of this quiz, you are somewhat innocent! Sure, you've experienced quite a bit in your life thus far, but not so much that you've totally lost your sense of innocence. While you have cynical moments, you're very innocent compared to others.

Not Innocent At All
Based on the results of this quiz, you are not innocent at all! You've lived life to the fullest, leaning into the best and worst of times with all of your might. You've never shied away from the hard times or difficult tasks. All in all, you love who you've become in life!