Which 1960s Bad Girl Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Elizabeth Taylor
The 1960s bad girl that you're most like is Elizabeth Taylor! So, you're not bad through and through, but you are serial flirt with a love of male attention. You've been known to gussy up and use your looks to get whatever it is you want in life!

Brigitte Bardot
The 1960s bad girl that you're most like is Brigitte Bardot! Much like this sex pot, you use your looks and charm to get whatever you want in life. From diamonds and pearls, to vacations around the world, you sure know how to work what you've got!

Sophia Loren
The 1960s bad girl that you're most like is Sophia Loren! As the total package of looks, brains, and charm; you can get away with anything you want to. You've been know to embark on many risky relationships and affairs due to your amazing ability to charm!

Jane Fonda
The 1960s bad girl that you're most like is Jane Fonda! You firmly believe that rules were made to be broken and authority was made to be challenged. If you don't believe in the status quo, you do whatever is in your power to change things for the greater good.

Mia Farrow
The 1960s bad girl you're most like is Mia Farrow! You may seem innocent and sweet on the outside, but on the inside, you know how to use your intelligence and charm to manipulate your way into some powerful situations. Remember, use your inner bad girl for good!