Which Kitchen Tool Are You?

Are you sharp and to the point? Perhaps you enjoy mixing things up a little? Do you grab for the gusto? Take this quiz!

Tags: Kitchen

Here are all the results with descriptions

Chef's Knife
When it comes to handling your business, you cut right to the chase. You don't mess around with subtleties and nuances--you say exactly what you mean and nobody is left wondering. You have a sharp wit and a cutting tongue, but your friends appreciate your brutal honesty.

You are a peacekeeper. You like it best when everyone is getting along well. You have a variety of friends, yet they all seem to get along despite their differences. This is because you know how to work the crowd and smooth everything together.

Well, aren't you a bit of a rabble-rouser? You do like excitement in your life. You definitely prefer the party scene to the quiet of home life. You're happiest when you're at a club, surrounded by lots of other partiers. The best night for you is the one filled with many surprises.

BBQ Tongs
You are constantly picking up and putting things away. You believe everything has a time and place. Not only are you a neat freak, but you are also a compassionate and helpful person. You are always there to pick others up when they need help.

Stand Mixer
You're creative and love to make art. You'll mix all sorts of methods and materials together just to see what you can make. Your quirky nature can be a bit unpredictable at times, but overall you're very happy and satisfied with who you are and what you love to do.

Kitchen Bowl
You are nurturing. You hold your loved ones very dear to your heart. You can be very protective, but in a compassionate, supportive way. Everyone knows their secrets are safe with you.