Which Pioneering Female Icon Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Amelia Earhart
The pioneering female icon that you're most like is Amelia Earhart! If you could be described with just one word, it'd be fearless. You don't let fear rule your life or keep you from pursuing your dreams. In fact, you look fear in the face in laugh. You're always up for a challenge and you hate to be told that you can't do something. We know there's no limit to what you'll accomplish in this life!

Lucille Ball
The pioneering female icon that you're most like is Lucille Ball! If we could sum you up with a single word, it'd be "clever." You're humorous, intelligent, and driven. You don't let others tell you what to do or how to be. You forge your own path and let the chips fall where they may. With the ability to both charm and disarm, there's no limit to what you'll accomplish in this life.

Carol Burnett
The pioneering female icon that you're most like is Carol Burnett! Much like Carol, you're a humorous, resilient, and strong woman who isn't afraid to go where no one's ever gone before. You laugh in the face of challenge and quickly dismiss your greatest critics. You know who you are and what you want. We know you'll get accomplish everything you set out to do in life!

Coco Chanel
The pioneering female icon that you're most like is Coco Chanel! Though you may appear shy and reserved on the outside, on the inside you're living a rich inner life full of imagination and fantasy. You have big dreams and an unrivaled sense of ambition. Will you get where you need to go in life? We don't doubt it for a second!

Diana Ross
The pioneering female icon that you're most like is Diana Ross! If we could describe you in a single word, it'd be fierce! You're a confident, bold, and self assured woman who isn't afraid to step on some toes to get where she's going. With style and grace, you can wow a crowd with ease!