Are You A Lover Or A Leaver?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're A Lover
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a total lover! Not only are you a nurturing and compassionate soul, but you're not one to skip town when the going gets tough. In fact, you find strength in helping others during times of stress or burden. You know how to provide comfort, give love, and grant advice!

You're A Leaver
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a bit of a leaver! Though you'd do anything for the people you love, you're not one to stick around when things are in a state of chaos. Whether it's a romantic relationship or a relationship with a friend, you hate conflict, stress, and anything that can leave you feeling at odds with yourself or your loved one.

You're A Mix Of Both
Based on the results of this quiz, you're both a lover and leaver! You're a perfect blend of steadfast and self serving. You know when a situation calls for an early exist and when it calls for strength and resiliency. You're a highly compassionate soul who can read a situation with ease and skill. Go you!