Could You Stick To A Budget In 1968?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Could Stick To A Budget In 1968!
You could definitely stick to a budget in 1968! You don't need fancy apps or digital coupons to stick to a budget, all you need is some common sense and your noggin! You're a savvy shopper who knows how to stick to a plan and not overspend. You're not easily swayed by impulse buys and you always stick to your guns. No wonder you're doing so well in the modern day!

You Could Almost Stick To A Budget In 1968!
You could almost stick to a budget in 1968! Without modern conveniences like smart phone apps and digital coupons, you'd have a hard time sticking to a budget. Luckily, with a little determination, you would make it work. Sometimes you can easily be swayed by flashy store end caps and junk food, but when you set your mind to saving money, you can almost always make it work!

You Could Not Stick To A Budget In 1968!
You could not stick to a budget in 1968! Without modern apps and digital conveniences, you would have a hard time sticking to your budget. You're the type who needs a set list of things to buy or you'll just pick up whatever strikes your fancy. While this might be a whole lot of fun when it comes to eating, it's not great for the old pocketbook!