Are You More Like Roseanne or Jackie?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're more like Roseanne than Jackie! Much like Roseanne, you're an opinionated and assertive woman who just can't help but say whatever is on your mind. Though you can be pretty bossy and loud from time to time, you're still a loving wife, mother, and sister. You might not always be the most nurturing woman on earth, but you'd certainly do anything for your family!

You're more like Jackie than Roseanne! Much like Jackie, you've had your fair share of troubles in life which has left you feeling a bit neurotic from time to time. Despite this, you're just about as warm, intelligent, and loving as can be. You're devoted to your family, even if you don't always see eye to eye with their opinions. With a quick wit, you can always counter whatever anyone throws your way.

A Mix Of Both
You're a mix of both Jackie and Roseanne! Lucky you, you've got the best traits of both of these iconic characters. Like Jackie, you tend to over think things and get inside your own head. You're warm, loving, and compassionate, even when others aren't always the same way to you. Like Roseanne, you're bold and opinionated. You don't really care what anyone else thinks and value your family above all else.