If You Could Change One Thing In Your Life What Would It Be?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Would Live Abroad
If you could change one thing in your life, it would be your living situation. It's not that you don't love where you live, but you wish you would've lived abroad for a few years in your youth. Not only would it have been the experience of a lifetime, but it might've lead your life down an entirely different path!

You Would Earn A Degree
If you could change one thing about your life, it would be finishing college and earning a degree. A degree may just be a piece of paper, but it does signify your commitment to education and the betterment of your life. Earning that degree would not only make you feel more accomplished, but it could potentially lead you into a different career!

Express Gratitude
If you could change one thing about your life, it would be learning to appreciate the little things. We so often get caught up in the "big" moments of life, that we so often forget that it's the little everyday things that make life what it truly is. Expressing gratitude for what already is rather than what might be is the best way to live a mindful life!

More Risks
If you could change one thing in your life it would be to take more risks. It's not easy to take a risk, especially when you don't know if your risk will have pay off. Unfortunately, there were many risks you regret not taking that still haunt you to this day.

Financial Situation
If you could change one thing about your life it would be your financial situation! While money doesn't make one inherently happy, it does help ease a lot of life's stress. Not worrying about money is a great blessing that so few people get. If you could change anything, it would be to finally have a comfortable amount of money.