How Conservative Are You?

Are you ultra conservative or New Age in your thinking? Take this 'How Conservative Are You?' quiz and find out!

Tags: Conservative, Thinking

Here are all the results with descriptions

Ultra Conservative
Life may be a whole lot more enjoyable if you learned to let things go and relax. If you find that you're super conservative simply to please others, then it's probably a good idea if you let things go and stop living for others' expectations of who you should be and how you should think.

You probably dot all your I's and cross all your T's, but that's just because you enjoy keeping your life in line and thrive on routines. Being conservative isn't a bad thing to you, because you like having balance and believe firmly in your opinions.

Conservative at Times, but Only When You Have to Be
You are trusting and reliable, and people know that you say what you mean. You do not feel the need to impress others, and you form your opinions based on your own conclusions. No one can persuade your opinion once you've made up your mind about something.

Not Conservative in the Least--Life Is Better When You're Carefree!
You totally accept people for who they are and like to keep an open mind about everything. If you meet someone with opinions that differ from your own, you embrace it and enjoy learning about what makes other people tick. Life is better, to you, when people can relax and not sweat the small stuff.