What Is Your Signature Gemstone?

If your personality could be a gemstone, what would it be?

Tags: Gemstone, Signature, Features

Here are all the results with descriptions

Peridot, one of the oldest gems, with records dating back as early as 1500 BC, is an idiochromatic gem, meaning its color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself rather than impurities. It has been found throughout the Middle East as well as in meteors.

Chrysoberyl, whose name was originally derived from the Greek words 'chryso' and 'beryl,' meaning 'golden' and 'green,' gets its yellowish-green translucent tint when it is colored by iron. It's been referred to as cat's eye as well as alexandrite, a rare color-change variety named after Russian Czar Alexander II. It is widely sought after by those looking for affordable yellow diamonds.

Color-Change Garnet
Color-change garnet has the ability to exhibit a brownish-green or bronze color when viewed under natural daylight, yet when viewed under incandescent light or at a different angle, it will appear rose to pink in color. It is one of the most rare and valuable members of the garnet group of gemstones.

Star Ruby
Star ruby is a ruby that displays asterism, a six-rayed star that shimmers over the surface of the stone when it is moved. In its dullest form, the ruby is full and greasy, but when polished, it shines bright. The star effect is owed to aligned, needle-like rutile inclusions. It is the rutile that is responsible for its silky shine.