How Cowboy Are You?

Do you consider yourself to be a cowboy? Take our quiz to find out if you are as much a cowboy as you think you are!

Tags: Wild-West, Cowboy, Character-Traits

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Not a Cowboy!
Hope you aren't disappointed to find out that you just really aren't a cowboy at heart. You probably knew that about yourself anyway. You are a great person, but you are just more city folk than you are a good ol' cowboy.

Maybe a Little Bit of a Cowboy
You aren't a true cowboy, but you do have a few traits that all cowboys share. You should be proud of your cowboy side and let it grow. It might feel out of character, but there is a little bit of cowboy in you!

Somewhat a Cowboy
True cowboys can't turn it on and off. They just are who they are. You love a lot about country life and country music, but you don't share all of those core cowboy beliefs. Maybe someday you will either be all in or all out. For now, cowboy or not, you do you!

More Cowboy Than Not!
You share a lot of cowboy traits, and it is cool to call yourself a cowboy. While you may not be a hard-core cowboy, you sure can wear those boots with pride.

All Cowboy!
You truly are a cowboy at heart. Country runs through your veins. You are more happy in the great outdoors, surrounded by animals, than you will ever be in an office. That, combined with your love of family and the land, makes you all cowboy all the time.