What Is Your Intelligence Type?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Existential (Life Smart)
Based on the results of this quiz, you are existentially intelligent. You are smart when it comes to life itself. From philosophy to anthropology, you possess a deep well of knowledge on what it means to be exist in the world as a human being. Whether dealing with struggle and strife or triumph, you possess the life skills to handle any situation.

Naturalist (nature Smart)
Based on the results of this quiz, you possess a naturalist intelligence! You are truly nature smart. You have a knack for knowing your way around any given environment. Whether putting survival skills to use, navigating without a compass, or knowing plant/animal life; you have a true knack for nature.

Logical Mathematical
Based on the results of this quiz, you have a logical-mathematical type of intelligence. You're a true problem solver with a logical approach to living. You can easily break down problems to their foundation and rebuild them to find a suitable solution.

Interpersonal (People Smart)
Based on the results of this quiz, you possess interpersonal intelligence. You are people smart! You're an effective communicator with a knack for reading any social situation with ease and aplomb. You never feel uncomfortable in new social settings as you know how to handle yourself in any given environment.

Linguistic (Word Smart)
Based on the results of this quiz you possess linguistic intelligence! In other words, you are word smart! You have a true talent for writing, grammar, and understanding literature. You possess a deep eloquence and a way with words that few people can boast.