Generation Quiz: What Generation Do You Dress Like?

The last century has seen some major fashion swings! What generation do dress most like?

Tags: Generation, Fashion, Dress

Here are all the results with descriptions

The GI Generation (born 1901 to 1924)
You are old-school vintage. You like classic wool skirts and trousers, pure-cotton button-up shirts, and smart shoes. You also love beaded dresses and headbands that match. One thing you don't do is change out your clothes often! You are smart with your money, so you buy quality pieces and wear them completely out before remaking them into something else you can use. You and your wardrobe would fit right in with the GI Generation.

The Silent Generation (born 1925 to 1942)
You may have some fun ideas about what to wear, but you would never dare actually try it out. You are just more comfortable if you fit in. You dress professionally for all occasions, as you don't want to get caught off guard or stand out in a crowd. You prefer dark colors and simple prints. The most daring thing you might put on is a pair of crop pants. You always look nice, but you never steal the show!

The Baby Boomers (born 1943 to 1964)
You like to show it off. Burn those bras, baby! Short shorts, cut-offs, natural cotton tops, even some high-waisted bell bottoms--it is all for you! You love to look outrageous. Fitting in is boring, and that is just not your style.You love to try new patterns, bright colors, and fun looks. You and your style rock!

Generation X (born 1965 to 1979)
When it comes to fashion, you just don't like to be defined. Sometimes you love nothing more than your old concert T-shirts and a pair of jeans, and other days, you are all dolled up with matching accessories. Shoulder pads or rolled, cropped ankle pants--you easily make any look work!

The Millennials (born 1980 to 2000)
Even when you are dressed down, you put a lot of thought into the look. You spend a lot of time and money on your clothing and accessories. Your style changes quickly to keep up with trends, and you give away or throw out your old clothes without thinking twice!

Generation Z (born 2001 to 2013)
You are very individualistic. Like the Millennials, you change your look a lot, but unlike them, you couldn't care less if you are being fashionable. You just do you. You can't say what your favorite look is; it is whatever feels great on and makes you smile when you look in the mirror. You don't care about brands or labels; you just like to be yourself!