How Adult Are You?

Are you good at adulting, or are you still kidding around? Answer these questions and find out!

Tags: Personality, Adult, Character

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Very Mature Adult
Almost TOO mature! Geez, there's nothing wrong with letting your hair down now and then!

Very Adult
Make sure you still take some time to play once in a while!

You're mature, on top of things, and in control. Don't go too far with it though. Stay balanced!

Adulting (Mostly)
Your inner child still gives a shout out now and then, but you're responsible enough to handle the important things.

Growing Up
You're still not a full-fledged adult, but that's okay. You'll get there.

A Perpetual Child
Don't forget that you have responsibilities! The fun thing is good, but evictions, food poisoning, and lost jobs are not!