What Is Your English Name?

If you were born in noble England, what do you think your name would have been? Find out with this fun quiz!

Tags: Tradition, Given-Name

Here are all the results with descriptions

You work hard and play hard.You don't believe in sitting around or waiting for life to happen to you. You chase after what you want! Your perfect English name would be Amelia.

A popular British name meaning 'to be an ethical human,' Adele is a perfect name for you because of your constant effort to be a good human being. You think about your actions and their impact on those around you and others you share this planet with.

You are strong in your beliefs. Whether it is religion, politics, work, or family, you have well-thought-out opinions and ideas, and you do not easily change your mind. You would be a very good Elizabeth.

You are small and, at the same time, mighty. You take care of those you love, and you always put others before yourself. You would make a good Carla.

You are a lover of music, and you live your life surrounded by it. Not only that, your ability to sense people's feelings, empathize, and comfort makes you a lot like music. Your perfect English name is Carol.

You are honest in all things, and even when it doesn't help you out, you tell the truth. You are an honorable person, and Nora would be the perfect English name for you.