How Old Do You Actually Act?

Here are all the results with descriptions

35 Years Old
You act like your 35 years old! You know enough not to make the same mistakes you did when you were young, but not enough to truly feel content with the world around you. At this point, you embrace change and are actively seeking new adventures in life. You want to know everything that the world has to offer!

75 Years Old
You act like your 75 years old! You're pretty set in your ways and looking to keep your routine as it is. You're not concerned with what others think or being judged. Instead you live your life by your own rules and do whatever makes you happy! You much prefer in a night in to a night out and you know that a few good friends are better than a gaggle of distant ones.

13 Years Old
You act like you're 13 years old! Everyday feels like an uphill battle full of drama! You often find yourself uttering the phrase "why me" and comparing yourself to your friends. You don't think that life is fair and often feel like you're getting a raw deal. To you, friends are everything. You'd do anything for your best pals, even if it means putting your own needs aside!

50 Years Old
You act like you're 50 years old! You're a proud and wise individual who knows who you are and what you want in life. You don't busy yourself with things that don't matter and you certainly don't sweat the small stuff. You've been through enough to value yourself, your family, and the friendships you've held onto for years. You're hardworking, but always make time to fun and downtime. You've achieved great balance in your life!

21 Years Old
You act like your 21 years old! To you, life is all about having a good time and living each day to the fullest. You're not overly concerned with the future, often focusing on what you want in the present day. You're adventurous, spontaneous, and sporadic. You don't like to take on big responsibilities just yet.