What Fairy Tale Is Your Favorite?

Wondering what your favorite fairy tale is? Find out for sure now!

Tags: Fairy-Tale, Story, Fantasy

Here are all the results with descriptions

'Little Red Riding Hood'
You love the Big Bad Wolf, the narrative, and the line 'the better to eat you with, my dear!' You love the woods, the grandma, and the basket.

'Snow White'
You like the poisoned apple, the witch, and the dwarfs. It's a great fairy tale!

You have a thing for the premise of becoming something from nothing. You like the idea of making it against all odds, meeting someone so special that you just have to have them!

'Alice in Wonderland'
You love magic, the idea of escaping reality, and the possibility of a really, really active imagination. There's a darkness to 'Alice in Wonderland' too, though, with the different interpretations that it can have.

You like the concept of meeting someone completely different than you and yet making it work! You like stories that prove the impossible, fill you with possibilities, and make you think outside the box.