Here are all the results with descriptions
Haunted by a Poltergeist
Your house is definitely haunted but not by ghosts! If you've never watched the classic movie 'Poltergeist,' now is the time. You're going to want to study up on the nature of this powerful and often dangerous force since you have one living in your home!
Definitely Haunted
Sorry to break it to you, but your house is definitely haunted! You've likely questioned whether what you've been experiencing has truly been a haunting, but now you know for sure.
Most Likely Haunted
We're not 100 percent sure, but we're pretty sure your house is haunted. You might want to invest in some ghost-hunting equipment just to be safe.
Just a Little Haunted
Good news and bad news: Your house is definitely haunted but only a little bit. Your home is likely inhabited by a friendly spirit who doesn't mean you any harm, so there's really nothing to worry about.
Extremely Haunted
Bad news: Your house is extremely haunted. If you have access to ghost hunters, call them now.
Probably Not Haunted!
Great news: Your house is probably not haunted! You can rest easy tonight knowing that all those bumps and thumps are--most likely--just rusty pipes.