Which Roman Gods Would Be My Parents?

Have you ever wondered which Roman god would be your parent had you been born in Roman mythology. If so take this quiz and discover which gods would be your parents!

Tags: God, Myth, Parents, Mythological

Here are all the results with descriptions

Jupiter and Juno
Jupiter is the god of the sky and Juno is his wife. They are the king and queen of the gods. Their Greek equivalents are Zeus and Hera. They would dote on you a ridiculous amount, but they would also make sure you learned the important lessons you needed to know.

Neptune and Minerva
Neptune is the god of the sea and is often depicted with his trident. Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, arts, and strategy. Their Greek equivalents are Poseidon and Athena. They would be very wise and intense parents to have.

Pluto and Venus
Pluto is the god of the underworld and Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity, and desire. Their Greek equivalents are Hades and Aphrodite. As your parents they would be very relaxed, you may lack supervision but it would allow you to be independent and free.

Mars and Diana
Mars is the God of war and Diana is the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and birth. Their Greek equivalents are Ares and Artemis. These two are quite the pair. They are strict and can be a bit aggressive, but in the end, they only want what's best for you.

Apollo and Vesta
Apollo is the twin to the goddess Diana. He is also the god of music, healing, light, and truth. Vesta is the goddess of hearth, home, and family. Their Greek counterparts are Apollo and Hestia. These two make excellent parents and are very caring and nurturing.

Mercury and Ceres
Mercury is the god of profit, communication, travel, trickery, and thieves. He also guides dead souls to the underworld. Ceres is the goddess of motherhood, women, and marriage. Mercury's Greek counterpart is Hermes and Ceres is Demeter. Basically, Mercury would be the 'goofy dad' that's always going around making dad jokes and embarrassing his kids. Ceres would be the mom that does most of the work and caregiving and has to lay down the law.