Which Painting Style Are You?

If you were a painting, which style would describe you the best?

Tags: Painter, Artist

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're a down-to-earth person. You love politics and a good debate. You're passionate about numbers and logical thinking. Nothing soothes you more than a few minutes with sudoku. You don't expect much from the world or from the people around you.You're more than aware that expectations are enemy number one. What you have in life was earned through your hard work and sacrifice.

You're very straightforward. You don't like to talk bullshit, and you always get to the point. Your life is decluttered in every meaning. Your house is the essence of utility, and you only have a few trustworthy people in your life. Wasting time on fake relationships is not your thing.

You're like a delicate flower, beautiful and sensitive. For you, the world is scary and fascinating at the same time. The only things that keep you hopeful about the condition of the world are love and friendship. You always try to see the beauty and goodness in people. Your friends say that you live in your own little world, but you don't mind that. You love your evenings with a good book and a delicious tea.

Pop Art
What a colorful personality you have! People love to be around you because of your contagious smile and laugh! You're 100 percent party animal, and you hate staying home. You're a bit of a rebel too, always following your gut and making choices that leave people around you amazed and speechless.

You're a real creator! You can make something from nothing and cook something from nothing! Your brain works in different dimensions than others. You can always spot a detail--maybe a fraction of light on the pavement or a weird lady's hat--and create a whole new world around it. You see life like a mysterious forest full of hidden treasures, and you're not afraid to dive in.